Sisters at Heart
Breast Cancer Survivors​
Welcome to the Sisters Web Home
This is the web home of the Sisters at Heart Breast Cancer Survivors Group of Charles County Maryland. We provide support to breast cancer survivors and outreach and education to our community.
We meet every 4th Monday at 11:30 a.m. at the Richard R. Clark Senior Center, 1210 Charles Street in La Plata, Maryland. Contact person is Roberta Kieliger - 301-934-0435 Evening meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday each month, from 6-8pm. Contact Kathy Honeycutt - 240-580-4062 for more information.
Monthly Daytime meeting @11:30 am at the Clark Center in La Plata.
4th Monday of the month
Monthly Evening meeting @ 6 to 8 pm at the Greene Turtle in La Plata.
2nd Tuesday of the month
Friday, June 10th, Survivor Reception at the Relay for Life, Charles County Fairground. We will have an exhibit.
Saturday, July 16th, Paint the Park Pink, Blue Crabs Stadium. Survivors recognized on the field around 6 pm
Saturday, October 8th, Indian Head Walk..
Saturday, October 22nd, Special event in conjuntion with our annual luncheon to mark the 10th anniversary of our October luncheon.
Upcoming Events
Save the Dates!
Richard R. Clarke Senior Center
La Plata, MD
​Tel: 301-934-5423